Thursday, May 17, 2012

Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus Fundraiser

This past Monday No Way Jose Restaurant was the host to the first benefit to raise funds for the newly formed Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus.  It was a great evening and plenty of donations came in so that the Teatro Vallarta was now able to be reserved performing their first ever show in December 2012. Based upon what we saw that evening, it will be a fantastic show!
The entire restaurant was sold out and the special limited menu donated 25 pesos per entree and 10 pesos per drink to the organization.  Then a raffle was held for about 25 more donated prizes and since it was Jose the owners birthday, a 50 pesos donated cupcake could be purchased.   The evening opened with about 12 of the chorus members singing a tune which was followed by 3 soloists that really demonstrated the abilities of the members.  Wow!  By the end of the evening well over 25,000 pesos was raised.  This just happened to be the amount that the theater required as a deposit for the event in December.
If this was any indication of the beginning by Joyce Ericson and Robert Bruneau just a short 2 months ago, this will not only be the first Gay Men's Chorus in Latin America, it will be one of the best around the world.  Tune in their website to keep informed about the upcoming events and probably more fundraisers.   This will not be a group to be missed!  With already 40 members auditioned and ready to go, the chorus is certainly still looking for members.  Do you have a singing voice that you wish to share?  Then join the Puerto Vallarta Men's Chorus and I look forward to seeing you at their first performance in December!

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