Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hernia Surgery-The Mexican Option

After waiting for several years for a inguinal hernia repair, I finally got to the point where I needed to address the problem.  I re-met with Dr. Armando Joya Mungia a few months ago, to reconfirm my problem as it has been bothering me more and more.  He said the hernia probably got larger, so it is time to get it addressed, before it becomes a serious issue and requires emergency surgery.  Looking for a good period to accomplish it, arrange for my mother to come, and also allow time for recovery I scheduled it for the week of January 15th with my actual surgery date being the morning of January 17th.
Having no insurance either in Mexico or the US and even when I did have insurance and a $3000 USD deductible, the option here in Mexico for around $2000 USD was certainly going to be my choice.  No need to go back to the US for the surgery because I felt confident in Dr. Joya's surgical skill and he came highly recommended from Pam Thompson who's company www.healthcareresourcespv.com located in Puerto Vallarta provides an extensive database of physicians who not only speak English, they are highly recommended by Pam.
Finally, surgery day arrived and I was to check-in at 745am to complete the Amerimed Hospital paperwork required for admission to the hospital. The new Amerimed Hospital in PuertoVallarta has recently relocated to a brand new medical facility across from the entrance to the Marina neighborhood and Plaza Marina.  Dr. Joya used to be at Cornerstone Hospital but decided to move here because he wanted to be affiliated with the newest and best hospital in Puerto Vallarta.
By about 830am I was called to come into the pre-op preparation area behind the check-in desk.  I was met with a friendly nurse who spoke English and she prepared me by offering the typical hospital gown, testing my vitals, and inserting the IV catheter for preparation.  About 30 minutes later I was moved to the surgical ward on the 2nd floor and due to sterile conditions in that area, I was transferred to a surgical ward bed.  Then around the corner and I was into the operating room and transferred to the surgical table. The nurse who met me introduced herself and the anesthesiologist introduced himself upon transfer to the table.  I was not doing general anesthesia just a sleeping medication and an epidural.   After a few minutes I was gone and woke up in the recovery area about 2 hours later.   Being still very tired I closed my eyes again and  about 1200pm I was transferred to my room.  The room was a very nice private room with lounge chair, couch, flat screen TV, bathroom, and all of the usual medical devices at hand including oxygen, nurse call button, etc.
The plan was to have me out and on my way home by 7pm, so I rested in my room most of the day.   After a few hours I felt the need to urinate, so with staff help I went to the bathroom but felt faint and had to be assisted from the bathroom.  Immediately staff and the internist on call were present in the room as everyone was concerned about what had happened to me and after EKG, blood test, etc. it was determined that I probably had a slow heart rate due to some of the effects of anesthesia, however, I would be staying overnight for observation to make sure everything was okay.
So my mother decided to stay as well as she would just worry about me being at my condo and the couch in the room as satisfactory for her night's sleep as the hospital provided sheets, blanket, and pillows.
A few hours later I was given a small sandwich snack, sliced fruit, and hot tea for my evening meal.  The nurses were around and responsive when called, however, they were not a constant nag by waking me every 2 hours for some test or medication.  Dr. Joya had heard about my "problem" and he came by around 9pm to check on me and was very supportive and kind.  He told me that the procedure had gone well and he said that I had a "Pataloon Hernia" which is a combination of direct and indirect inguinal hernia in the same area.  That is probably why it was giving me so much more trouble in the last few months.   He assured that me made sure that the internal stitches and mesh would provide me great protection against any re-occurrence on my left side.
Physically I felt pretty good, still a bit lightheaded, but no real pain from surgery, just some normal aches and pains that from the procedure.  I took 2 pain medication injections  during my stay, but otherwise I was getting restless and uncomfortable with lying in bed so long!  I would be seeing Dr. Joya or his partner Dr. Espinosa in the morning for my release.   My night was fine as I found a comfortable position on my right side that allowed my to sleep as well as could be expected, being in a hospital and not home in one's own bed.
The next morning at around 830am Dr. Espinosa came to check on me and allowed me to check out in the next hour, checked my incision, and discussed my prescriptions for the next week.  I had already gotten some pain medication and antibiotics, but he decided to add an anti-inflammatory and a stomach acid medication to my list.   He told me he or Dr. Joya would see me on Tuesday at 1000am back at Amerimed to inspect the incision area.  I had the option of taking a shower in the bathroom, but decided I needed to go home and rest better there.  A friend of mine arrived around 1030am and we were on our way home with a stop at Farmacia Guadalajara to pickup the 2 additional medications.  My only complaint at the hospital was that no food or snacks were available for visitors or patients and one had to go outside the hospital to find something to eat or drink.
At home I walked up the one flight of stairs to my condo and felt no pain. With ice packs on 10 minutes every hour and then relaxing the rest of the day including a nap in the afternoon I was to bed early and took a couple of doses of pain medication.   The pain really only occurred during the transition from sitting to standing or lying to standing.  When I was laying down no pain.  The pain (burning sensation) seemed to be from an area above the incision, probably where the mesh was inserted and the repair done to the stomach muscles.
Day 2- I am up in the morning around 5am, to the bathroom, and some more pain medication and back to bed till the sun rose.  Today I am feeling pretty well and the only pain is in the same area.  Some more resting and a small walk to the pool area, things are going well.   Some additional pain during bowel movements, but otherwise I am feeling good!
Day 3-I am up this morning around 6am and feel that I will not need any more pain medication and keeping the ice going as I can remember it as it seems to sooth the area of the surgery.  Only the slight burning sensation in the area of the mesh when I move a certain way.
Day 4-Doing better each day and just taking it easy, walking around, keep the ice going
Day 5-Feel well enough to take my mother to the beach where we have to walk about 100 yards to get to the beach and all went well!  Did not go into the water, just got my feet wet!
Day 7-Back to the doctor as he wanted to take out the stitches, but decided to wait till the end of the week and took off the gauze and only placed a strip of tape over the incision.  Pain is minimal now and less each day.
Day 10-Back to the doctor for stitches removal and all the mesh pain is now gone.  Only had a few outside stitches as most of the stitches were done internally and they would dissolve on their on.  Just some tenderness in the incision area.  Hope to get back in the ocean water or pool, but have to wait another 10-14 days!  And certainly no lifting anything over 10 lbs for the next month.   All is well and I am certainly in less pain than I was before the surgery and that is always a great sign that I will recover just fine!

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