Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Car Legalization Part IV

LICENSE PLATES IN HAND!! We have finally come to the last chapter of my legalization process for my car here in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.   I did not receive the promised phone call  from Jalisco motor vehicle department, so after 2 weeks I returned and my paperwork was complete.  So now everything was ready for the next step which involved going to the Marina on an upcoming Wednesday for another VIN verification by the State of Jalisco.  It would be scheduled in about 10-14 days as these inspections are only completed on Wednesdays.  My date was given to me to report November 16, however, I already knew I was not going to be in town that day so I immediately asked for the following week.  No, that could not be changed now, only upon my return after the missed appointment date.
Back in town on November 17, so on November 18 went back and rescheduled the VIN verification appointment for November 30th at 8am.   After another 12 day wait, I reported at my scheduled time and I was about 15th in line as the line kept getting longer and longer.  I estimate that 90 people were told to report at the same time!  Now I am wondering how this is all going to happen with a day?
Of course the government officials do not show up till 830am and they begin the process of taking our prepared paper envelopes and asked where we had parked.  Most people like myself parked in the closest and free space, but no, we had to park around the corner in the Marina parking lot and pay.   So everyone moved their vehicles to the proper location.
After about 45 minutes everyone was told to go their vehicles and open the hoods and wait for the inspector to show up.  Within 15 minutes he did and verified the VIN by looking at the dashboard VIN and the one under the hood.  Close the hood and report back to the outdoor canopy area to receive your signed report.   Another 45 minutes later we are gathered together and told to pickup our envelopes and signed VIN verification report in the order that we were in line, so 15th was not too deep on the wait list.  We were also told we had 15 days to get the plates and do not rush over the Jalisco municipal building today to get your plates as it will take a long time.  Hooray!  I did not want to spend the rest of the day doing that as it was the end of the month, payday, and I knew it was be a long long wait!
Returned yesterday after the weekend and went back to the window I thought I needed to go back, but no I should just go to the cashier line.   After a short wait and about 30 minutes of typing info, going to back office twice to get approvals, I was done!!  Of course I had to pay some tax based upon the value of the car plus the license plates fee for a total of 6200 pesos.  I was not prepared to pay that much more, so luckily my debit card was acceptable; paid the fee and was handed the plates.  The plates also came with a registration card, registration sticker, and license plate sticker.  All of the stickers now means I have 4 different stickers on the car; federal import sticker, emissions sticker, registration sticker, and license plate number sticker that have to all go inside the car in various locations.
All told the process was expensive and not for the faint of heart, but I persevered and got it done after about 6 months of working the Mexican government system.  They did not beat me!!  The total cost including transportation costs to the border and all the fees federal and state would have to exceed  $2500 USD.  Below is a photo to prove to you I have them!!!!

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